Big Day Tomorrow

Sorry this is late!  Too much going on in life right now to keep caught up on everything.  So, I apologize for not getting this out sooner.

Tomorrow I go in for a single mastectomy and lymph nodes removal.  I will check in at 10:00am and pretty much that's all I know.  Dennis will be with me and I have to stay for 23 hours because that is what in insurance requires.  Not the doctors rules, now a days the insurance companies get to say what's what.  Crazy world but at least there is such a thing as insurance!

After the surgery they are going to do some lab work on the lymph nodes to see the extent of the cancer to determine how much radiation will be needed.  So, I guess you can say that I am starting Phase 3 of my cancer story.  Stage 1 was the two chemo meds for eight weeks.  Stage 2 was a third chemo med for 12 weeks.  Then I had a wonderful month free of chemo drugs.  Now that was awesome!  And so we start Phase 3 with surgery.  I am feeling fine, as a matter of fact I feel very strong and healthy.

I have had a spiritual battle in progress since all of this began.  It has been God holding me very tightly in his hands.  His grip is enormous and unrelenting, yet kind and reassuring.  I feel like I will be set free when the doctors say that I am cancer free.  That is what I am waiting for!  Freedom!  It has not been horrible to be held so tightly by God, it takes your breath away as a matter of fact.  But He will open his hands soon so that I can follow the path he has prepared for me.  I have rested in his presence but now I want to live in the freedom he has promised.  No more resting...let me run!

Love to all of you!  I will be back soon to let you know how the surgery went!
