Words of Thankfulness

The Littles during Thanksgiving 2018.  There is a fourth one, Lillian Rose, but she is too little to climb trees just yet.

It has been on my mind to put this blog to rest, like closing a book that you will not read again.  My final radiation treatment was Jan. 4th.  Now I am FREE!!

Jesus said that he would never leave me and I can say that I never felt alone.  Jesus is my healer and I can say that I am healed in more ways than physical.  My faith has been healed from its lazy attitude.  The grace I receive and the grace I give is overflowing with compassion.  The loyalty I feel towards my family, my friends, my church and my God has been refreshed!  My lack of mercy towards those who suffer has been reversed.  My love for my husband is healed of its laid back attitude of taking him for granted.  My resolve to serve Jesus in any capacity has been made new and my future is completely in His hands.
 Anne Graham Lotz, who is currently undergoing cancer treatment wrote this and it is perfect.

"Cancer Can…

…enrich love

…refocus hope

…strengthen faith

…deepen prayer

…command peace

…bolster confidence

…increase endurance

…multiply friendships

…enhance memories
…open doors
…realign priorities
…grow courage
…create empathy
…tenderize compassion
…develop character
Cancer can be a blessing in disguise.
Cancer can be the preliminary to bearing much eternal fruit.
Cancer can be a display case for God’s glory."
As a result of choosing to follow Jesus and letting God have his way in my life I am coming out of the worst year of my life as a stronger person.  Grateful for all that happened, the good and the bad.  My faith, my trust and my love for Jesus is stronger than ever!
The day Carol, Daniel and I spent at Radnor Lake in Nashville

Thank yous go out to all who sent cards and gifts in the mail.  It was always a brighter day when the Post Man woke me up from napping to deliver heart felt goodies mailed from the west coast!  Doug, I had to save the Cranberry Candy until around Thanksgiving.  It was way to tart!  But once all my taste buds were back to normal I thoroughly enjoyed them!  Kait, you will be glad to know that I never had to use the "Official Barf Bags" that you sent!  Mom, the stuffed skunk has an honored spot on top of my dresser.  And Angel, the coloring books which were partially completed by family members are beautiful.
I start to cry when I think of all the prayers offered on my behalf by my church family, my regular family and the community.  Cards were sent and money was given.  Hugs and best wishes lavished upon me when I went to the school. Beautiful hand made cards from kids at school and kids at church were so precious!  My heart was touched by the afternoon spent with such sweet ladies from church at the only Hat Party I had ever heard of.  Precious phone calls from my friend Pam in California, thank you for sharing your cancer story with me, you always encouraged me!   I was uplifted by brief visits from Dennis' mom and my niece Wendy, both from the west coast.   If I have forgotten to thank any one then I will have to blame it on the chemo!
Benaiah and Aela having a cookout in the backyard.

Thank you to all the medical people I crossed paths with on this journey.  You are wonderful people and you made this time in my life bearable.  The staff at West Clinic in Paris, Tennessee are the best and I am grateful that it was all of you who helped me through this.
I received the most encouraging texts from Amy S., Danielle, Carol and especially Mike Landreth.  A special place was created in my heart for Mike.  Having been through six years of truly awful cancer, Mike appointed himself my official encourager/verbal care giver. He gave the best advice and offered his heart of friendship and wisdom in a time that I was at my weakest.  God knew what he was doing when he chose Mike to fill this role.  Mike completed his journey on this earth on the same day that I had my last radiation treatment.  He is greatly missed, but I am looking forward to seeing him when I get home some day.  We will have much to talk about!
One last note of gratitude...My BFF Carol, will always be the shoulder I can lean on and the friend who I will always be able to trust.  I spent many hours in your car going to and from chemo treatments, operations and check ups.  We also had a few road trips which brightened my days and cleared away some of the clouds that chemo can cause.  You have a special gift of compassion and generosity of which I (and many others) have been the recipient.  I look forward to all the adventures we will have in the future!  You are my dear friend and my sister and I appreciate all that you did for me!
This would be my Carol!

                                      My sons and their families were always there for me.  Mostly they provided the humor which I greatly needed to get through some hard times.  (Quick story: One Sunday morning Pastor was concluding the message and he prayed for me.  This surprised Ben for just a second when he couldn't figure out why the Pastor was praying for me...oh yea, the cancer thing!)  The Littles will never know how much they boosted my spirit when I spent time with them.  I truly love them with all my heart.
A hike in Nashville.  Don't remember the park.  Do remember that I was done with chemo, completed the mastectomy and starting radiation.  Daniel is way in the back and that's Dennis on the bench in case some of you don't know Mr. Trouble already.

So, I close this book, as even now I am making plans for a future of serving God and loving his people.  I hope to stay strong and healthy, always grateful for what God has given, including the promise of an eternity in his presence.  I pray that you will be there!
I love you all!
