What I've Been Waiting to Hear

Two days ago I started some new chemo meds...yuck.  This time however, I am only taking one and the side effects will be different. My oncologist told me that this medicine will be affecting my bones and my joints should start hurting.  Well, I must say that at this point I'll take it.  I can actually begin to taste food already and my mouth feels 100% better.  Realizing that the medicine is cumulative, I understand that I am just two days into it but I take each day as it comes and these few days have been a blessing!  Even though there is no new hair in sight, I am appreciating each day and loving life.  But most of all I am learning how to lean on Jesus and his words.  

Now the good...no the great news is that the doctor believes that the lumps are shrinking!!!!!  As my friend Amy says, "This is the time for a happy dance!"

My God is faithful!  

I have learned so much about prayer since all this began.  One thing I picked up from a preacher named James Merritt is, "The only unanswered prayer is the unspoken prayer."  What if nobody had prayed for me to be healed?  Who knows???  I know there are people in numerous churches who have prayed and are still praying for me.  I know that loved ones are also praying for me.  This all makes a difference!  Prayer is powerful!  It is how God has chosen for us to approach the divine. God wants interaction with His creation.  What an honor to be able to pray to the one who created us and loves us.  We can trust that every prayer is answered!

Love to you all!
