So I woke up this morning with a wonderful thought.  No more chemotherapy!!!!  Words cannot express how incredibly happy this makes me!  My last chemo was a week ago and I have gone through my regular chemo week but now I don't have to go refuel!  When you take your lasts chemo at the doctors office they announce it and everyone claps.  There was three of us that day!  I wanted to do the "happy dance" but right after you take the meds there is only a "hope I don't fall down on the  way out the door  woozy-dance".  I did get to do the happy dance at church on Sunday so that made me feel better!  I am a blessed person, thank you God!

I went to see my surgeon on Monday and we discussed options...because I am only part way done, I still have lumpectomy or mastectomy.  Dennis and I have decided on the mastectomy to be done in September.  Between now and then (besides-no more chemo) I am responsible to eat lots of good food, ( I have lost over 15 pounds), get lots of rest, get as much exercise as I can, and laugh and enjoy life. My body needs some recuperation before they will do anything.  Hmmm...I am pretty sure I can follow the doctors orders on this one.  Could be that my hair might start growing back!!!  I really miss my eyebrows.
Spending time with my grandkids has kept me smiling.  And kept a strong sense of perspective and hope for the future.  Don't know what I would do without them!

But wait, there's more...I may have to take some sort of medicine for the next ten years.  However, the one big thing that has worried me is radiation and it appears that I won't need it if I have the mastectomy.  Again, can't tell you how much that has blessed me!

I visited my friend Sheila, that I worked with a few years back.  She has her own cancer story and she has helped me with a lot of questions and encouraged me greatly.  We talked about suffering through chemo and how our husbands dealt with the whole ordeal.  We both agree that we will not complain much about not feeling good anymore.  We have been there and done that and we are stronger because of it.  I have seen real suffering in the chemo room. Compared to others, I have had a walk in the park.  I know that God has been with me through all of this and because I have held on to him I know that he has changed my heart.  I am still not sure where this path will lead but I just want to be the person that he has designed me to be.
Your love, O Lord, reaches to
the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the
mighty mountains,
your justice like the great
O Lord, you preserve both man
and beast.
How priceless is your unfailing 
Both high and low among men
find refuge in the shadow of 
your wings.

My love to all of you, family and friends.  Your prayers have touched my heart and all the kind words spoken to me have made my days brighter.  God has put all of you in my life and I am grateful.

Love you guys!

