Hat Party, GG and Ryan, The Wright Family, Chemo-Brain

One of my favorites from March photo shoot.

I can blame it all on Chemo-Brain!  It has been awhile since I was on here, sorry about that.  The days kind of float together.  The new meds definitely have a different effect on me.  Feeling whupped and floaty, kind of like I could be on the wrong end of all the blond jokes you've ever heard.  When I go for therapy now it takes a shorter amount of time and there is only one medicine given.  I don't have the dreaded shot in the stomach or the Neulasta device attached for later injections.  What I do have is the inability to stay awake.  I get large doses of Benedryl put directly into my system via I-V.  I have considered it a challenge to stay awake, but alas, the Benedryl wins every time.  I get really zoney and when I finally arrive home to my cozy couch, I usually sleep at least two hours.  But, none of this is a complaint!  I am blessed because I know where I have been and this is a cake walk.  I also see my fellow Chemo-Brains at the oncologist office and I know where others are in their battle.  I tell you it can break your heart when they go down hill quickly.  I can't imagine what the nurses have to deal with as they work with these patients for months at a time.  They are very strong, gentle, nurturing individuals who deserve much respect.

Latest Chemo-Brain story...So, I get home yesterday and I am getting all ready to lay down and snooze for a bit.  I am sitting on the couch and realize that I forgot my phone in my purse.  So I walk across the room, take out my sunglasses, put them on and go back and sit on the couch...Once I sat down I noticed that the room was darker.  I just sat there in the dark and cracked myself up.  So, I got up and put away my sunglasses, got my phone and laid down for my two hour nap.

The ladies at church gave me a hat party a few weeks ago!  Sounds a bit odd but it was lots of fun!  We enjoyed some great luncheon food and I got to open packages with many different hats in them.  Some of the ladies I didn't even know.  After the first couple hats I had to have the giver come up so I could hug them to make sure they knew how much I appreciate them and so that I could remember who was who in all the hat opening festivities.  There were also many scarves, which I am getting better at wearing.  I can say that I am blessed by the ladies in my church home.  They are kind and compassionate women and have encouraged me greatly.

Ben is holding this hummer because it ran into our window.  You will be glad to know he recovered and flew away later, probably with a major headache.

I have had two visits from West-coast family this last month!  Dennis's mom Dee came by on her way home from my nephew, Alex's wedding in Kentucky.  Other nephew Ryan brought her over for a few hours.  It was a great visit and the Littles had the chance to see GG.   Keira remembers GG very well but Benaiah was very small and Aela was just born when GG moved back to California.  They all got to give hugs to last forever!

My other visit was from Wendy my first niece, and her husband Jonathan and their son Anthony.  Anthony just graduated from high school and this was his wish.  Well, I think his wish was actually to see Graceland, but we were a bonus.  We had a little Graduation party and grill out.  My brother Tony (the guy who lives in the woods with five dogs), brought the hot dogs and burgers, and then he actually grilled them!!  He is my hero!  It was a great visit, way too short.  Love them so much!

Got a decent picture of Lana a few months ago.  She is afraid of cameras and flashlights.

I have a camera full of wonderful photos of these visits, but Chemo-brain strikes again.  I recently rearranged my bedroom/living area and I can't find the attachments that I need to down load them into this computer.  I put them in "a box to go through later".  Which is a term that I hope I am not the only one who uses.  It is my way of cleaning up and organizing that usually works when you know where you put the "box to go through later".  So the photos I will use are just a little dated.  I knew you really wouldn't care.

God has been ever present and making himself known to me through all of these crazy chemo days and I just want to give him the credit he deserves.  He is my ultimate healer and my creator.  He loves me with a divine love that will not be understood until I stand before him in heaven.  One of the best things about this love is that it is for every living person who has ever been conceived in this world.  My relationship with His son is the most important thing in my life.  I am who I am and becoming a better me all the time because of this relationship.  He receives all honor and glory!!!   (Hope that wasn't too preachy for some of you, cant help myself).

Some purple flowers from my visit with Daniel and Ragnor Lake.
I think I spelled that wrong.  Oh well, blame it on Chemo-Brain!!

I love you all!
