Beautiful Day, Good People, Great God, Prayers

Cabin Fever-A state of mind when you are really done with being inside and isolated for long periods of time.  Definitely what's been going on with me.  I usually have about four days in between chemo refills when I feel almost like myself again.  I have grown to really appreciate those days!

Last week Daniel invited me to come see Radnor Lake in Nashville.  Carol and I were already talking about having a day outside and this worked out well.  This lake is right in the middle of Nashville.  It was amazing and beautiful, full of birds, turtles, deer and other visitors.  We were there on a Thursday so it really wasn't bad.  The trail around the lake is flat and even paved on one end.  If I lived where Daniel does I would be there often.

So, I found out that the white granny socks are not the thing to wear anymore.  I was looking at what Carol and Daniel and neither of them had on socks that showed.  But, if you look at the whole outfit its pretty obvious that I wear what I like.  It is hard when Carol is around she always dresses cool.

I had the best day ever.  I spent time walking out in the woods with people I love.  Afterwards we went and picked up Z and we all had burgers!  Oh my gosh!  The burger was sooo good and I didn't have any trouble eating it.  And earlier, on the way to Nashville, we stopped at Cracker Barrel and I had two pancakes with berries on top and they were perfect!  I have much more appreciation for food and the beauty of the out doors these days.  And by the way, Z is a good friend of Daniels.  He is such a good guy, always fun and positive.  When we left he gave me a hug and told me he was praying for me.  That really touched my heart.  Daniel is doing well in Nashville.  It seems to suit him.

A word about the kindness of people.  Sometimes we can get really jaded by the world and just how bad people can be.  But there are still many good people out there.  I have been given money for gas,  pictures drawn by kids at church and kids at school, hats, two awesome care packages from my sister and her family, strawberry bread, a beautiful leather journal from a neighbor, books, clothes, carrot juice, drink cups,  a crazy stuffed skunk and many cards.  Many times I have found myself crying because of the thoughtfulness of family and friends.  My friend Carol is spoiling me constantly as she takes me to most of my appointments. And how precious it is to receive texts from my Brother in Christ from church who has been through throat cancer and has officially adopted me as his ministry.  His texts always come at just the right moment and have brought me much consolation.  People who have been touched by cancer, either as the patient or the family are moved by their own experiences to reach out to those of us who are in the midst...

I will be out of commission for the next four or five days as I go in tomorrow to get the refill.  This should be my last one of this type of medicine.  Starting on the 23rd they are switching it up to something new.  This is not a new plan but one the doctor told me he wanted to do from the start.  He doesn't want to do any official measurements or scans until we give this other med a chance to do its work.  Dr. Rau told me that this medicine won't be as difficult on me as the first ones.  He is still talking about surgery in the near future no matter what happens with the chemo.  He was just hoping that the crazy meds I have been taking are killing the cancer.  Pray that the battle to kill the cancer in my body is victorious!  I have every intention to live for quite a few more years and I am determined that with God's grace and his promises I will win this battle!

Thank you to all of you out there who are praying for me.  I really cannot express how important that is too me.  Prayers to God in heaven are extremely important.  Praying is Gods plan to interact with his people.  I am pretty sure that if the Creator of the Universe puts something in place, such as a way to communicate with him, that it is not to be taken lightly!  So, please keep praying for me, and if possible my new sisters in this cancer club, Chris, Theresa, and a good friends sister.  They are all in different stages of breast cancer.  Let me know on FB if there are other names to add to my prayer list.

Love to you all!
