Littles, Bumble Bees, Anniversary and Lint Rollers!

The last four days have been very good days.  At least a 9 1/2 on the Snarky Scale.  I have been eating regular food and not had any regrets.  Well, except for a piece of frozen pizza...big mistake!  I have been sleeping pretty well.  I have been able to get outside in between the rains and work in the yard.  I was able to go to church on Sunday!  And on Saturday Aela and Benaiah came to play!

Finally found a shovel that was perfect for the Littles!

This is Benaiah perfecting his shoveling technique.

This bumble bee was very busy on the chives next to Benaiah.

It was a beautiful day!  We got plants to put in the ground but we ended up just playing.  We ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the back porch and just enjoyed each others company.

Wild mustard in a Dr. Pepper bottle.  Aela picked it for me.  This is Grandma's favorite kind of day!

Aela took this one!

Keira made a necklace for her unicorn!  
I am truly blessed!  We are not a perfect family but we are doing pretty good.  I am thankful for all the days I have upon this earth.  A diagnosis of cancer can change you in many ways.  I choose to stand on what I know.  My family loves me and I love them!  God is good, God is the perfect Father and he was not surprised by the cancer.  He was here before, he is here now, and he will be here after I have been healed.  He is closer now than ever.   My church family has been extremely supportive and I can't say enough about the encouraging cards and texts.  They always seem to be perfectly timed.  I am grateful for loving, caring people in my life.  Friends and family from California, Oregon and Belize have sent such kind words of encouragement.  I love all you guys!

It was Ben and Memory's anniversary so we put this flower pot together for them.  Benaiah made the awesome sign!  Aela and Keira drew the hearts just behind the picture!

I will close on a humorous note.  A few days ago Dennis and I were sitting on the couch and I was rubbing by cold head.  It had only been buzzed but not shaved so the hair that was still there was all prickly and it kind of hurt.  I reached up and pulled out a little pinch of hair.  You could tell that it was still in the process of dying.  I was just wishing that it would be done.  Dennis just looked and said, "You should try a lint roller."  We both just busted out laughing.  Wait a minute, I think I would give this a try.  So I rubbed my head with the lint roller and it worked!  I am not kidding, the roller was covered with little stubby hairs!  We were laughing so hard.  Dennis always has wonderful ideas to fix things.  The guy is a genius!  I got about 80% of my hair out after about 15 minutes.  Who knew!!!

Unfortunately, tomorrow is another refueling day as I go in for another treatment.  I will be kind of out of it for the next few days.  But the good thing is I know I will come out of it again and there are more beautiful days ahead.  Thank you Lord!

Love all of you!
(Sorry for the different font.  I can't get it to stop!)
