Easter Love Family Gratefulness

It is always nice when people let you know that they are praying for you!  It amazes me how strangers become involved in your life and pretty soon they aren't strangers anymore!

I have been asked to include pictures.  Of course, being the "Grandma", you know I can't say no to that.  So for a few moments, lets pretend like I opened up a photo album and I'll show some of the most recent pictures I have.  I still do it old school, I don't have pictures on my phone like the rest of the world.  My phone is pretty much just a phone.

Aela and Benaiah were not about to put there hands in with the manta ray.
The Lucas Family went to the Memphis Zoo.  Yes, it was the entire clan!  Of course there are no pictures of all of us together.  But there are some good ones to remember the day.  This was four days before I had my first chemo treatment.

I do believe that Aela is much more adorable than the panda!

Uncle Daniel even came down from Nashville for the day!

Keira and I are official camel riders now!

Part of the Berlin Wall at the Memphis Zoo.

 I was concerned about Easter this year.  I had been praying that I could make it to church without any problems and God took care of it for me!  I was feeling a lit
Aela getting her share of the Easter Eggs.
tle anxious about being there. However, after praising God with my church family and being with people I love I was so glad I went.  God can speak to his children in many ways and one of the best ways is through the pastor of the church.  My heart was calmed and my spirit set firm in words that were spoken.  Thank you Lord for all that you are!
In case you were unaware of the Lucas Family Photo Curse....this is the prime example!!
Benaiah is a handsome young man but, alas, few may ever know.

How many of us made Nature Food of some sort growing up?  The Littles spent quite a while outside creating delicious salads and stews from "Nature".

I had a wonderful Easter!  I am truly blessed!  Thank you Jesus for all you have done and are doing in my life.  I am a grateful daughter of the Most High King!

Just a note to my kids at school.  I want you to know I am thinking about you today!  I know you are back and I am not there.  You will do fine, I promise!  Give the new teacher a chance.  You may love her as much as you love me!

Love to all!
