Over the first mountain!!!  All reports of previous testing came back negative for cancer cells anywhere else in my body!!  I feel a huge sense of relief.  I actually felt like I would get some bad news today, but that's not what today is about.  Today is about rolling into the battle with cancer with a clear objective, open eyes for the work ahead.  I realize that the hard stuff hasn't even gotten here yet but I know what to expect, there are no hidden trap doors for me to fall into.  (Makes me think of Minecraft.) 

My first chemo treatment was at 9:30 this morning.  I had two different chemicals put in through the wonderful port.  I had a shot in the stomach, which, by the way wasn't near as horrible as it sounds.  And before I left I had a patch put on my stomach as well.  It is about three inches around and it holds a little plastic box in place.  In the box is a tiny needle and meds.  The nurse pushed a button and a flashing light came on to tell me that it was ready to go.  So the nurse says, "In just about 2 minutes that little box will insert the needle and start administering medicine to the stomach."  This is a good thing because all that chemo-stuff is in there reeking havoc on the poor tummy.  It made me jump when it happened but it wasn't as bad as a bee sting.  Now I have a box with a flashing green light on my stomach until tomorrow at 4:30 when it will be done and I toss it.

I feel woozy.  No pain, no nausea, no headache.  I do believe that will hit tomorrow.  I actually have energy to go along with the wooziness.  Probably not the best combination.  I am being closely watched by family today.  I will have this energy until the whole stomach meds are done and then the tiredness is supposed to kick in.  The nurse told me that I may not be able to sleep tonight.  I'll let you know how it goes, lol!

Anyway, it's time for coffee and pie, while I still have a sense of taste!!  I am going to have Dennis read this before publishing.  Need to make sure it sounds right.  Woozy.......

Last word is a from a grateful heart.  God is holding me close.  So many scripture verses floating around in my head right now, I just can't think of the words...Woozy.  I just know that no matter where all this goes I will never be alone.  I know whose daughter I am...besides my mothers.  I am grateful for Gods mercy, the love of family and friends and even strangers.  There is still kindness in the world.  And thank you Den, your patience and endurance are being tested and you are coming through with flying colors. 

Love to you all.
