May be too much info for the Faint of Heart

As we progress through Chemotherapy certain patterns begin.  But you really can't rely on that for long because this is a very fluid process.  The second input of chemicals/meds was much like the first.  The next day I just felt like a blown up balloon, a little loopy and skwoodgy around the edges.  But on Friday is when it seems I will have my really bad days, usually a high rating on the Snarky Scale.  I feel like I have taken way too much cold medicine and I am floating like a Macy's Christmas Parade balloon.  I am never in pain but nauseous and really weird.  Going into Saturday I still am floating around but now I start to feel anxious, almost nervous.  Late Sunday I was feeling pretty good.

I will have two more rounds of this before they decide if there is progress being made.  I will go in again a week from this Wednesday.  They always hook up a tuby thing to the Port and take blood first and then I go and wait for Nurse Shannon to come over with her encouraging smile to let me know that I am doing a great job.  Unfortunately, she has to give me a shot in the stomach each time.  She always feels bad but it doesn't hurt as much as you think it would.  The secret is, DON'T LOOK!  Carol was sitting next to me and she let out a little gasp as she watched.  DON'T LOOK SILLY!

Unfortunately, this last Friday was the next milestone.  The dreaded Falling of the Hair.  Yes, it has finally happened.  I will be honest and say that it was a difficult moment in the shower when my hands were full of hair.  I just cried.  I didn't know what to do so I just sang a praise song from quite a few years ago.

 I love you Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you.  Oh my soul, rejoice.  Take joy my King, in what you hear.  Let it be a sweet,  sweet sound in your ears.

After a second shower the next night, I knew I couldn't do this again.  I let Dennis take the buzzer to me and now I just about look like Dennis.  Of course, this is quite a new experience for me.  For the first time I actually felt the water from the shower on my head.  Then the big surprise.  My head is now extremely cold.  Like I am not able to go without something covering it.  And the last few days have been cold days here in Tennessee.  I will have to wear a beanie to bed because last night when I got up for a bathroom break I was shivering by the time I was back in bed.  This could be to my advantage as the days warm up and our humid summer arrives!

The good news is that I am allowed to go outside if I am totally covered up!  Nurse Shannon told me I could and I really trust Nurse Shannon.  She is only worried about me over-doing it as the days get warmer. (And that is something to be monitored, as I have been known to stay out too long.)  I promise I will be very careful and come inside before I am ready.  Nurse Shannon said that I  need to continue to do the things that bring me joy.  I really like my nurse.

I wanted to add something here about prayer.  I have started to read a book called, "E.M. Bounds on Prayer."  Highly recommended by my friend Carol.  It is a collection of writings by this man who apparently spent much of his life talking to God.  I wanted to share the very first thing he wrote.

The prayers of God's saints are the capital stock in heaven by which Christ carries on His great work upon the earth.  Great throes and mighty convulsions in the world have come about as a result of these prayers.  The earth is changed, revolutionized; angels move on more powerful, more rapid wings; and God's policy is shaped when the prayers of His people are more numerous and more efficient.

This brings me even more comfort knowing that there are many people praying for me.  There is a wonderful God in heaven and he hears it all.  I am grateful and humbled in this journey.  

Taken the same day as our zoo trip right before chemo started.
Photo shoot by Blue Boy Photography, Danielle Warren
Thank you for the cards of encouragement.  They really cheer me up.  Thank you to old and new close friends who text me with words that really lift my heart.  God is good and he is taking care of his daughter!

Really been missing my kids from school.  I even dreamt about a few of you last night.  Hope you are staying strong in school.  Do your best and don't let unkind people rule you.  You are loved.

Love you all!
